Light at End of A-Bomb Tunnel A Truck Bomb Blast!

How convey my feelings of dread and ugly foreboding over approaching world war...THE BRIMSTONE THIS TIME!'s already going on BIG TIME all over the globe...only we Americans THE PROUD THE DEAF AND THE FRIGHTENED don't hear that many bomb blasts or hissing bullets...except in New Orleans...can't recall last time a car bomb went off in USA...maybe when they bombed Steve Kurzyna's car in the Bronx...he gave me his other car for a dollar before they could blast that one union thugs...oh yeah there was Dan Bolles the reporter in Arizona who went there from my old newspaper The Record in Hackensack...but they bagged those guys...Dan spent his last breath yelling the name of his contractor afraid of exposure crooked deals...I'm sure there've been plenty more...but all this only small-time terrorist activity compared with gangsterism going on in Africa & Asia, South America and guess where HERE!...why didn't Obama call the Mexican drug gangs what they are?...bastards spreading their poison all over the South & West now... TERRORISTS!...Geeezus Barack...get it together will you?...pulling for you Man...bring the marines home and GO AFTER THEM! cannot reason with these capitalist gangsters...they are in it for the money!...the sleazy underclothes of illegal capitalist activity...but then look at the larger picture...illegal gang activity murdered western hemisphere people & stole their lands...terrorists lynched blacks all over the country & shot up the country with boozer bullets...and who am I to criticize and all that...terrorism part of American history...history itself mostly terrorism of one sort or another...

But back to The War which will dismember the United States of America and bring us into armed conflict again...CIVIL WAR!...chaos and loss of sovereignty over the lands our ancestors stole...the meek waiting to inherit radioactive Earth...maybe they can do something with it...I want to re-visit Wah Cantt...Talibani terrorists penetrated this atomic bomb factory and storage facility in northeast Pakistan some months ago...THEY GOT INSIDE! people understand the IMPORT of that?...the importance of it?...they penetrated an a-bomb plant!...90 people killed in the truckbomb blast as I was probably more...exaggerate their losses minimize your own we all know the trick...below is Google Earth's photo of Wah Cantt...see the tunnel at the V?...the light at the end of this tunnel is the truck bomb far from the radioactive stuff?...the whole complex underground and structures above probably related to it...radioactivity leaks?...who asked?...who would tell the Truth?...

meanwhile... off Somalia...PIRATES!...get this...pirates...have the world on the run...ON THE RUN!...UNITED STATES NAVY CAN'T DEAL WITH IT!...huh? mean the Navy that defeated the German and Japanese submarine forces in two world wars?...THAT NAVY?...what did you say?...oh, they are tied up somewhere else?...imagine that...I am always forecasting doom?...I'm a Cassandra? you got it all wrong...I'm not worried about doom for us...that the simplest thing...WE DOOM US!'s the whales & butterflies the birds trees rivers & streams the breezes the pretty fish & coral reefs I am pissed about...humanity long been doomed...I'm sure I love the four-leggeds more...the whole planet doomed...the good the bad & the awful all poisoned & burned...God just cleaning up really...but later please...the solar system!...the galaxy!...I don't care...bring it on...hopefully I'll be reborn by then another planet...lovemaking the Order of the Day...from hell to heaven in one easy death...on the Planet Love in the Ecstasy Galaxy...

When a Great Power like the US or Soviet Union wrecks then abandons a place like Vietnam Afghanistan or Somalia piracy of one kind or another is reborn in a vacuum of power...government gone...enforcement gone...everybody hungry & angry...look at the bastards stealing our fish polluting our waters now!...after Vietnam pirates preyed on boat people...escape communism drown in snake-infested waters...millions of poisonous sea snakes in Gulf of Siam...I saw them! don't want to fall in that water...snakes above & snakes billions in cargo & ships held captive for ransom...driving up prices driving insurance giants crazy...premiums rising like rockets...finally we pay more for cigarettes...KILL THE PIRATES!...I can't afford these things now...

Last night I was dancing alone nobody around...good soul music coming from the bar up front...she pipes it back here for me...all my muscles working again & feeling good for a few minutes...tried dancing with one drunk gal who came into my arms uninvited but she wasn't thanks the drunks...someone gave me piece of cake...I ate two bites before detecting the alcohol...UGH!...spit it out throw it away...

didn't make me want more...stinking ugly foul-tasting poison to can have it...probably ought not to take it...alcohol the first drug...first date-rape drug...first major disarrangement of human senses...harbinger of stupidity & ruin...the stupidity potion...I had my share...three years without it in June...thank God and AA...guy in Texas charged with drunk driving after plunging car into flooded ditch killing five little could have been you or me...toddlers & an infant drowned...he was talking on a cell phone...hit a pole then a ditch...he has to live with that in prison...

Above is a photo of a building that would be perfect for The Free Speech & Democracy idea for 30 years...I'm looking for someone with a lot of money to buy it and let me use it for this worthy project...great building great location...the whole thing depends on the building & location...probably no money to be made in it...but it will electrify wherever I can get it going...go down in history...set the place on fire with true democratic debate...not anyone can do it...write me...
this is the real thing baby
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