Trump Is A Dunce

Think of all those young men dying out there in the sand and blood; and for what? Trump? This posturing wannabe dictator, this know-nothing on a vandalizing mission to destroy the social supports that are the creation of legal compromises between liberals and conservatives for the last 100 years. These men died to save us from the sacrifice of our freedoms to men like Trump and his cronies, billionaires with an extreme lust for power. They are fascists, Nazis, and slavers, and they would return us to the 18-hour workday with child labor included. On Memorial Day, we should remember not only the fallen, but what they died for. My father fought from Normandy to Germany and came back a mustang Captain with a Silver Star. He would roll over in his grave to know that the Nazis are taking over our country.

Nobody ever expected (Cheating) Donald Trump to play by the rules. He never has. He brags about how he doesn't pay taxes, because he knows how to "use" the loopholes. He pays lawyers and accountants to find them (and probably stiffs them too.) He files repeated fake bankruptcies in order to cheat contractors and builders, craftspeople, and suppliers of their legal profits.
The thing that this over-stuffed ignoramus doesn't know or appreciate is that this is all a piece of his legacy; how he will be remembered. The outline of that future memory already is clear : he will be seen as a monster and a harbinger of even worse times that followed, and someday his name will mean "disgrace." To be Trumped will mean to be disgraced. He is worse than Nixon, who, his presidency failed, his dishonesty proven, his freedom imperiled, at least had the grace to resign.


Unknown said…
MIKE!!!!!! It's Peyton! From Kenny's Castaways! Oh My God! I just found a voicemail from you and your letter. You have no idea how often I've thought about you. If you are still alive and well...please contact me. I don't want to leave my personal information here obviously but I will check the notify me box. My number is still the same if you happen to have it. I am also on Facebook and linkedIn. I miss you brother! Hope you are well. Would LOVE to talk and catch up anytime you're available. God speed my brother.

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